Payout Rates

We pay to all visitors in any country, but we pay differently in each country. we counted 1 ip address for 1 valid view. following the rate of each country. Adtival Network offers enticing payout rates to all visitors, regardless of their location. Discover country-specific rewards now.

Country Rates/1000
NL $7.00
DE $7.00
QA $6.00
KW $6.00
CA $5.00
US $5.00
SE $4.00
CH $4.00
AE $4.00
GB $4.00
FR $4.00
AU $4.00
MY $3.60
ID $3.30
EG $3.00
SD $3.00
ES $3.00
SA $3.00
BH $3.00
OM $3.00
NO $3.00
NZ $3.00
IN $3.00
SY $3.00
LB $3.00
JP $3.00
IT $3.00
MA $2.50
SG $2.00
IQ $2.00
HK $2.00
CF $2.00
VE $1.50
Other $1.30